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A Practical Guide for Spiritual Self Mastery

Your Roadmap to Awakening and Empowerment 🌟

In A Practical Guide for Spiritual Self-Mastery, we’re inviting you to take a journey of transformation—one that’s packed with practical tools, deep insights, and a bit of wisdom from the school of life. This guide is for anyone ready to deepen their spiritual connection and unlock their full, radiant potential.

Drawing from real-life experiences (and some truly cosmic teachings), this book lights the way to true self-mastery. You’ll learn how to clear those pesky limiting beliefs, align with your higher self, and integrate spiritual wisdom into your daily life—because why not bring a little magic to the mundane?

Whether you’re just starting your spiritual journey or looking to take it to the next level, this guide is your go-to for lasting transformation and personal growth.

Much Love,


A Preview of our book through chapter one, Much Love J&T

A Practical guide




Guidance written


Jason Kieber


Jason Kieber

Copyright ©️ 2024 Jason Kieber

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photo-copying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews and certain non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

This book is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters to his/her health and particularly concerning any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

ISBN 9798337810324

First edition: 2024

Authored by Jason Kieber


This book is dedicated to my Divine partner and bestest friend, Teresa. Without each other, we would not be where we are today. Without you, I would not be who I am today. Thank you for your unwavering support and Love. I so very much look forward to our path set before for us, hand and hand.

This book is also dedicated to you the reader, the magnificent Soul reading the words in which I have been asked to mirror. Without you this would not have come into the physical. Without the mirror, there would be no need for these written words.

Please take from our experience so you do not feel as alone and apply what is offered to blaze your path with all the Divine Light contained within your very fabric.

The world is looking for Hope and Change. You my dear Brother and Sister are the Hope, the Light and the change makers the world is desperately seeking.

Embrace who you are with an unwavering and tenacious Spirit. Rise up and Flame on, lead the way and be an example for all of humanity to witness.

I bless you and wish you well on your journey




























The introduction & background fluff

Many blessings,

Welcome to these writings of guidance. I’m Jason as the writer and Teresa is my Divine counterpart. Together we create a mirror of Spirit for anyone who is seeking.

It is not by chance you find yourself reading these printed words. What questions have you recently asked? What information are you seeking? Where are you on your Soul journey? Contained within these printed words you will find guidance, synchronicity's, confirmations, energy, tips and tricks from our awakening experience. The writings also ramp up in energy and information as you read further along.

There is no wrong or right way to go about reading this book. You may want to read the whole book at once and go back to study each chapter. You may find yourself wanting to read each chapter, apply what I share and then move on to the next. You do what you feel guided to do and you can never go wrong. If you have questions or would like some guidance please feel free to reach out via email.

I will not tell you how anything exactly is as that is determined by the perceiver. Everyone is on their unique path and each awakening is different. There is no one set way. You create much of what you experience and everyone has their own personal spice of life to add to the collective.

What I will share is not so much answers but more of guidance and experiences from my awakening. Some pondering questions have also been included. Many get hung up seeking answers from the outside and it could feel like at times you’re a hamster on a wheel.


I do share guidance, each chapter has a subject that seems relevant to empowering you in finding your own answers and unlocking your connection to Spirit.

Each written subject I have moved through personally. It is also how I conduct myself on a daily basis and now feels like it is the time to share with others. The guidance provided is what I share with those guided to me through daily life.

I refer to them as orbiters, meaning they are on their awakening journey and when they get hung up or have a struggle they pop into my awareness and receive some guidance or energy, then right back out onto their path. I have much admiration for them.

Spirit is full of surprises!

When interacting and guiding others the scenarios vary but the basis of information is the same. The only difference, it is tailor made for them based on their current situations and or spiritual struggles. The baseline of self mastery remains the same, but since each is on their own path and have their own perception the guidance is unique for them but always in the NOW.

There is a caveat with practicing self mastery...you have to do the work...you have to do the work...you have to do the work. I have worked with some seeking answers, guidance was provided but they refused to do the work. The same questions would always arise over and over again. The answers never change, you can easily tell when someone refuses to do the work. The questions and themes remain, repeating until they expand. Nothing changes unless you are willing to work on yourself to become the best representation of yourself and of Spirit.


An awakening is a journey of realizing who you truly are, there are ups and downs with no straight lines of getting there. It can be exciting and frustrating at the same time, especially with the amount of disinformation available. Discernment becomes a very valuable tool.

I prefer the term Spirit to incorporate Source and much of the non-physical. The I AM, Source, other non physical expression or shards of myself I refer to as Spirit. Use whichever terms or labels you are most comfortable with.

For myself 2012 came and went. Shortly there after I began an awakening. Circumstances of life had me shaking my fists at the sky and asking what the hell is the point of all of this?!?!? What is the point of waking up everyday, dealing with the same crapola only to rinse and repeat the next day. What is the point?!? Often felt like the movie Ground Hog Day.

That very question blew the door off the hinges! Spirit just needed the go ahead and I began the journey.

I always had a strong gut or knowing and always followed it without a quiver. Something I believed everyone followed. I was guided to a book which turned some keys and I woke up. Six hours later my Divine cohort aka Teresa, who is my best friend woke up as well. I am not a fan or really pay attention to the labels or names most of which humanity uses. Yes, she is my Wife in technical human silliness role terms. She feels more kin to me than any label or role. It goes way beyond anything that relates in human terms. We work as bridges for each other. We have been on our awakening path together ever since.


When we first woke up and the dust settled there was a week of time that felt amazing everything seemed brighter and lighter. After a week's time, we woke up one morning and it was gone.

This was a catalyst to engage the seeker in us to dive deep into every book we could find and pull back layers of the onion to get back to that feeling we experienced. Then we dove down the internet and streamer rabbit hole checking every avenue, grabbing a key to turn the next lock. I could not even tell you how many books we read in a two to three year period. I was so focused on finding answers, determined with a tenacious spirit to get it. My focus was similar to that of a laser beam.

I was reading everything from the Nag Hammadi, ACIM, Ra Law of One, Emerald Tablets even learning Sanskrit as to understand much older texts. There were so many books, I would have to write an entire chapter listing them. I even dove into Vortex math and Quantum Physics. It was a journey for sure, and my Wife got dragged right along. Most times, she did feel like a trampled flower. We did not study any ancient practices or books. We read them, sometimes more than once. We did this to gather a key or knowledge we required and moved along. The whole purpose was to restore our connection with Spirit. To strip the layers and get to our core as quickly as possible.

Once all the keys were in place and layers peeled away. We began to learn how to meditate and connect to our non-physical selves aka Spirit. This is when the theme of self mastery first began, loud and with a tenacious energy.

All of my meditational experiences as well as dreams were tapping into other expressions of my Soul. Mostly other realms, dimensions and other expressions

of myself. Some expressions were physical, and others were non-physical. There were also instances with animals, it is always experienced through the eyes.

I do not resonate being from any certain planetary system, we all have been to many of them and carry an array of their energies. What resonated the most is the non-physical service side, aka Mission Realms. I feel connected to all systems, but mostly resonate with the non-physical side of the house. I do tap into other physical expressions of my Soul and plenty of non-physical. Home for myself is a state of being and the feeling of T and I's combined essence. You and your Soul is a collective, not a singular being.

There are many wonderful channelers available. Many channel other perceived beings, which are other shards of themselves. They paved the way for us to take our own reins and provided that rock for us to lean on while seeking. You have to discern the content of any channeled message.

For myself, I receive knowing from the I AM or Spirit. I channel when I speak to others and when I write. It is always Spirit or other Soul expressions. They are all connected to the same Source, Spirit or consciousness. There are times the information comes with a different energy and feeling. We all have the same connection to the same Source. You just might be unaware.

There are many that resonate with many great experiences. Some with non physical and physical beings. They all connect to the same Source or Spirit. When appropriate you can just cut out the middle man and go within.

I have been shown some experiences on the non-physical side and most of it gets blocked because it would be just a hinderance in keeping this human physical experience going. I know what I need to know, when I need to know it.


I have embraced and accepted being in physical form with the intention to represent my highest self and become an active mirror for Spirit. Spirit in a physical human form, integrated with an expanded consciousness.

Much of my path was clearing, healing past traumas both individually and collectively. To lighten myself up in effort to anchor in a higher vibrational energy. All trials and tribulations were added to the collective, creating a collection of experiential data.

Practicing self mastery with the guidance of Spirit has made my experience very quiet and peaceful. I generally do not go around expressing being spiritual, until someone asks a probing question. Then Spirit jumps right on through. Mostly I stay incognito, unless guided otherwise.

It also allowed me not to get entangled in much of others human drama. Please co-create the ego world with me, no thank you. When you do not co-create or perpetuate what others want to create they leave your awareness, match your vibration or at times seek guidance.

I also noticed the quieter the thought streams, the quieter the mirrors.

When I am present and connected my crown and third eye buzzes, it becomes my present moment focal point. It is pretty much everyday and 24/7.

Every interaction, every situation my intention is to be fully present. When I am present and someone asks questions the guidance comes right in. It comes in an instant, it is a thought stream and has a feeling to it. There is no thinking what so ever.


This was one of the hardest things for me to accept and to hone. I was always expecting to hear a voice or another being tell me the answer. Who was I to know this information?

After reflecting back through life from an expanded consciousness. I realized I always operated in that fashion. I was just unaware.

The information comes from the I AM/Spirit and the culmination of the wisdom gained from all the perceived past lives and then some. It also comes from many other expressions or the collective of expressions from my Soul, picture fractals of light from a diamond.

As you lighten up and clear heavy energies, you vibrate higher and gain more access to information. Hence the self mastery to take your systems off auto pilot and take control to gain your own wisdom.

My general demeanor is that of the observer, I do not engage in idle chit chat, it seems pointless to me. Most times I am just holding space and letting my energy do the talking.

There is power to your words, it is a vibration going out and brining back exactly what you just put out.

I found complaining to others and about others or situations brings in more to complain about.


Observe yourself. Observe your behaviors and thought streams and then observe others with no judgement. What are the common themes and behaviors? Once you see the repeating themes you can become aware, set an intention and make a change.

You are exactly where you need to be right Now.

You will always have what you need in the Now, know this, feel this.

The mirrors are always reflecting back to you.

Please take the guidances shared and tailor make it for yourself, empower your inner guidance do the magnificence that is your Soul. Take what resonates and leave the rest, you may be guided back to read again after each expansion cycle.

We are all the Sea Spray to an Immense ocean of energy.

All uniquely different yet of the same Source.

Now for the subjects I love talking about. Let us dig into some self master.

I Am the I Am…that…I Am

Much Love,
